My Process…

Over our first 3 to 6 months together we’ll likely tackle a wide array of challenges. However, while not every engagement is the same, we ultimately find they follow this four step process…

  1. Create Clear Head Space

If you’ve made it this far on this website… I’m willing to guess that there’s a burning issue you need to fix.

Maybe you feel like you’re having issues with your cofounder, or maybe a key investor has become difficult to manage, or maybe you and your team just can’t focus. Whatever it is, it’s hijacking your clarity.

The first phase of my coaching relationship is usually finding a resolution to our burning issues so that we can create clear headspace begin to focus on the business as a whole.

2.Raise our Baselines

The reason that we got hijacked in the first place is probably because we were over our capacity for stress and therefore were more susceptible operating from fear.

When fear creeps in, our views get myopic. We develop a tunnel vision that is designed to protect us from an acute threat. But in reality our job as a CEO is to see the bigger picture.

The thing that made you a founder was probably your creative capacity and vision. These qualities are robbed from you in this myopic state.

We want to ultimately raise your baseline capacity for handling stress by finding the workflows and self care practices that allow you to feel like you can handle anything, no matter how difficult. Thus maintaining our vision for the future.

3. Create Intentionality

The reason you probably got stressed is due to overwhelm. An early stage startup often has a lot going on, and we as the founders take on the brunt of what is happening in the business.

Sometimes it’s that we’re trying to create too many results at once, or aren’t delegating enough, or not creating clear protocol with our team.

We want to create the environment with which everyone is acting with intention through OKRs, establishing both management and communication frameworks with the team and identifying where we need support to do our best work as a company.

4.Move the Needle

The CEO ultimately has three jobs…
1. Keep the company funded.
2. Set clear vision and direction for the team
3. Ensure the right people are in the right seats.

This enables the team to run autonomously from us. Instead of working in the business, we can start working on the business. We can start setting the stage for the next steps of our vision and working on the high leverage projects that keep moving the needle, all while ensuring our team keeps the business moving in a steady and repeatable capacity.